Log in

Your ID is your student ID number (without '@uwr.edu.pl') if you are a student, a PhD student or a postgraduate student, or a unique identifier usually consisting of your first and last name if you are an employee.

If you do not remember your identifier, please contact the appropriate unit, such as the Dean's Office or the Secretariat.


You have one account and one password for all services. By logging into one service you gain access to other services without having to sing in again.

The first time you log in, you have to set a password for your account. To do this, see the information in the "Signing in" section.

Signing in

Click here to reset your forgotten password.

To reset your password, an alternative email address is required, in other than the uwr.edu.pl domain.

If the system does not recognize the provided address, please contact the appropriate unit.

You can update the email address for password resets in the following ways:

  • at the faculty Dean's Office or secretariat, if you are a student, a PhD student or a postgraduate student;
  • at the Human Resources Department, if you are a full-time employee;
  • at the Employment Costs Departmen, if you are a non-employee contractor.


Avoid using untrusted devices. Use a private browsing mode, while working on a public computer.

Accessibility declaration