Completion requirements
- Word equations: basic definition. Logspace algorithm. SLP-based algorithm.
- PSPACE algorithm
- Some basic word combinatorics.
- Exponent of periodicity
- Quadratic equations
- Word equations with one variable
- Word equations with two variables
- Equations without constants: Lyndon-Schützenberge Theorem. Saarela's results.
- Defect Theorem.
- Bounds for number of solutions of one-variable equation.
- Equations in Free groups: reduction to semigroups with regualr constraints and inversion.
- Decidability of positive theory of free groups. Information about decidability.
- Equations in terms: undecidability of second-order unification. PSPACE algorithm for context unificaton.
Last modified: Wednesday, 2 October 2024, 6:16 PM